Rebecca Van Cleave Naked

Game of Thrones star's 'walk of shame' body double revealed

Come play with me orn u b GAME OF THRONES season 8 is going to see the return of actress Rebecca Van Cleave, who previously served as Lena Headey's nude body double. Lena Headey's nude body double has described the shocking 'Walk of Shame' in the Game of Thrones season five finale as "the hardest but best. Rebecca Van Cleave, Cersei's naked body double in back in S8 in her "repeat role". She's been filming this week. naked body double from season 7 is apparently back at work on the final run of the hit HBO show. Rebecca Van Cleave stood in for Headey. › tvshowbiz › article › Pregnant-Lena-Hea.

Cersei’s Naked Body Double From ‘Game Of Thrones’ Has Been Revealed.

‘Game of Thrones’ Star Lena Headey Fires Back After Nude Body Double Controversy | Decider ‘Game of Thrones’ Star Lena Headey Fires Back After Nude Body Double Controversy.

God damn she is hot anybody have the full version Cersei Lannister’s naked walk of shame body double in Game of Thrones revealed fan compilation. Rebecca Van Cleave has been revealed as Cersei's naked body double used in Game of Thrones. Lene Headey's body for. Enter Rebecca Van Cleave. Van Cleave was Headey wore a skin-colored slip while Van Cleave walked alongside her nude. "It takes a lot to walk. Rebecca Van Cleave, a year-old actress and model, has been credited as 'naked Cercei' from Monday night's explosive episode. Actress Rebecca Van Cleave (photo below) While filming the Walk in Dubrovnik last October, Van Cleave performed nude while Headey wore a simple. And wonderful Rebecca [Van Cleave, Headey's stand-in] was able to contain herself and be naked. She found it very difficult, obviously. It's.

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